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Search the Register of Teachers

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Reg. Status
Reg. Expiry Date

Please note:

  • Registration is for a period of up to five years expiring in January of any given year. Teachers must renew their registration by 31 December in the preceding year.
  • Only name, registration number, registration category, registration status, annotations/notes and expiry date are disclosed.
  • Some older browsers may cause issues with the website when navigating from the Register of Teachers to other pages. If you experience this issue, please restart your browser and return to this site to resume your search.

Contact our office if you encounter any other problems with the Register of Teachers.


The Teachers Registration and Standards Act 2004 provides two registration categories: provisional registration and (full) registration. To find out more refer to our website.

Item Definition
Current The teacher has no disciplinary sanctions against their name.
Current with conditions The teacher has conditions imposed on their registration. These are recorded on the Certificate of Teacher Registration and must be disclosed to the current or potential employer.
Early Childhood Teacher Condition The teacher is restricted to providing preschool education to children who have not yet attained the compulsory school age at a preschool, a preschool program delivered in a school separate from children who are receiving an education program for compulsory school aged children, a centre-based long day care and out-of-school hours care.
Non-Financial (S) The teacher's registration has lapsed due to non-payment of fees. Their registration is suspended and they are unable to teach until all outstanding fees are paid.
Suspended The teacher has had their current registration suspended until specified conditions are met or until further order.
Cancelled The teacher's registration has been cancelled from the date of the order. Cancellation only applies if the teacher held current registration.
Disqualified The teacher has been disqualified from being registered as a teacher permanently, or for a specified period, or until the fulfilment of specified conditions, or until further order. This is the most severe sanction the Board can apply. It may be applied to both currently and previously registered teachers.